Best fruit plants for home garden India

Would you like to know about the best fruit plants for home garden India? Read on to get the best fruit plants for home garden. Here is the list of plants with benefits, care & other requirements.

Growing fruit in one's own garden is a dream of every gardener since fruits are an essential part of our diet. Obtain a handful of harvest from your home garden by knowing the best fruit plants for India.

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4.Star Gooseberry


Lemon - Most essential fruit of the Citrus family


You may be a beginner or an experienced gardener, but the lemon plant has low maintenance in your home garden. 

The Lemon plant belongs to citrus family commonly called Citrus limon where the fruits are medium-sized & native to India, the most suitable fruit plant for tropical climate in India. The plants grow about 10 to 20 feet with wide-spreading crowns.


Lemon fruit plants are known for their tangy taste, excellent refreshing aroma & higher Vitamin C content.

In our day-to-day life, this fruit is also used Vegetable for culinary purposes.

Fruit juices commonly have value in baking & beverage preparations.

The presence of Vitamin C acts as a detoxifier, boosts immunity, helps digestion, and promotes healthy skin & weight loss.

Lemon fruit prevents throat infections.


best fruit plants for home garden


Guava - Popular Tropical Fruit


The most prominent tropical fruit plant thrives best in India. Guava fruits of any varieties start yielding from 3 to 4 th after plantation. The guava fruits are woody drought tolerant with versatile plants.

Fruits are either oval or pear-shaped and the ripened fruit has a rich fruity smell which spreads quickly in the house. The fruit has white, pink, yellow, and red flesh with seeds.


The best fruit plants for home garden India. The guavas are perennial plants that bear fruits throughout the year. 10 years old trees of any variety obtain a yield of about 100 to 150 kg per plant every year.

Guava fruits are rich in antioxidants, antimicrobial properties, fibre, vitamins, & minerals.

Intaking Guava fruits improves digestion, prevents constipation, & promotes weight loss.

The fruit & guava leaf tea is good for diabetes & supports the immune system.

best fruit plants


Amla - Medicinal fruit


Amla fruit plants are popularly called Indian Gooseberry. It is a deciduous tree with many beneficial values. Mature trees yield yellowish-green color fruits. The taste of the fruits are combination of sweet, sour, bitter, and astringent flavors.

The Amla has been valued in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its various health benefits. The Amla fruit trees are medium-sized trees with a crooked trunk and spreading branches.


Amla fruit contains the maximum amount of Vitamin C helps to boost immunity, contains a rich source of fibre, due to the presence of antioxidants it reduces inflammations, great for diabetes.

All parts of the plant are used in herbal medicine such as fruit, seeds, leaves, roots, bark, and flowers.

According to Vastu, amla fruits are wishes fulfilling one's desire tree. Planting in the North or East direction brings wealth to the home.

home garden plants


Star Gooseberry - Snack Fruit


The Star gooseberry tree bears many tiny yellow-green fruits. It starts growing from seeds, budding, and air layering. Gooseberry fruit plant bears twice a year from April to May and then during August-September.

Roots of Phyllanthus acidus cures skin diseases & prevents itching. Gooseberry leaves treats orheumatism.


Gooseberry fruits enhance the blood & act as a liver tonic. And it contains antioxidants, vitamins B5, B6, and C which support food to convert as energy.

The gooseberries are a great source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber.

And it is a good snack to add to diet.


best fruit plants for home garden


Pomegranate - Aril Fruit


The pomegranate is a bush or small tree that has a smooth evergreen tree with showy orange flowers. Multiple stems have a weeping habit & fruits are round & dry.


Pomegranate leaf tea is a great drink to soothe the stomach and ease digestion issues.

 It is the best fruit plant for home garden. It is rich in potassium, helps improve the blood count & supports during workouts.

Pomegranate is a good source fiber, antioxidants & Vitamin C helps to improve heart health, and cures anemia.

Blog created By :  Naik krishi udyog co.

Posted in Default Category on May 24 2024 at 08:28 PM

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