Tips for Conference Networking with Networking Apps

Conferences are an excellent opportunity to network with industry peers, potential clients, and thought leaders. However, the sheer number of attendees and sessions can make effective networking challenging. Networking apps have emerged as powerful tools to facilitate meaningful connections and enhance the overall conference experience. Here are some tips for conference relationship building to make the most out of your conference networking with the help of these apps.

1. Choose the Right Networking App

The first step is to select a networking app that best suits your needs. Different conferences might recommend or provide specific apps tailored to their event. Some popular networking apps include Brella, Whova, and Grip. When choosing an app, consider its features, user interface, and reviews from previous users. An effective app should offer features like attendee profiles, matchmaking algorithms, and integrated communication tools.

2. Complete Your Profile Thoroughly

A detailed profile is essential for effective networking. Most networking apps allow you to create a profile that includes your professional background, interests, goals for attending the conference, and a profile picture. Here are some tips for creating a compelling profile:

Professional Photo: Use a clear and professional photo. It makes your profile more personal and approachable.

Detailed Bio: Write a concise but comprehensive bio that highlights your current role, expertise, and interests.

Specific Goals: Mention your objectives for attending the conference. Whether you’re looking for potential collaborators, clients, or knowledge-sharing opportunities, being clear about your goals will help you attract relevant connections.

3. Explore the Attendee List

Once your profile is complete, take the time to explore the attendee list. Networking apps usually provide search and filter options to help you find people based on their industry, job title, or interests. Create a list of attendees you want to meet and make note of why they’re relevant to your goals. This preparation will save you time and make your interactions more purposeful.

4. Use the Matchmaking Feature

Many networking apps have matchmaking features that suggest connections based on your profile information. These algorithms consider factors such as mutual interests, professional background, and goals. Take advantage of these recommendations to discover potential connections you might not have identified on your own. Don’t hesitate to reach out to these suggested contacts and introduce yourself.

5. Schedule Meetings in Advance

One of the significant advantages of networking apps is the ability to schedule meetings ahead of time. Once you’ve identified people you want to connect with, use the app to send meeting requests. Propose a specific time and place within the conference venue to meet. Scheduling meetings in advance ensures that you make the most of your time at the event and don’t miss out on important connections.

6. Prepare for Your Meetings

Preparation is key to making a good impression and having productive conversations. Research the background of the people you’re meeting, understand their work, and think about how you can add value to their professional life. Prepare a list of questions or topics you want to discuss. This preparation shows that you’re serious about the meeting and respect the other person’s time.

7. Leverage In-App Communication Tools

Networking apps often come with built-in messaging systems. Use these tools to communicate with your connections before, during, and after the conference. In-app messaging allows for quick and easy communication without the need to exchange personal contact information initially. It also provides a record of your conversations, which can be useful for follow-ups.

8. Attend Recommended Sessions and Events

Networking apps usually offer personalized agendas and recommend sessions and events based on your interests and goals. Attending these recommended sessions increases the likelihood of meeting like-minded individuals. Be proactive in participating in discussions, Q&A sessions, and networking events to maximize your exposure and interaction opportunities.

9. Participate in App-Driven Activities

Many networking apps include interactive features such as polls, live chats, and discussion forums. Engage in these activities to increase your visibility and connect with other active participants. These interactions can lead to spontaneous and valuable connections that might not happen through scheduled meetings alone.

10. Follow Up After the Conference

The real value of networking often materializes after the conference. Use the app’s contact management features to keep track of the people you meet. Send follow-up messages to thank them for their time, recap your conversation, and propose the next steps if applicable. Maintaining these connections can lead to long-term professional relationships and opportunities.

11. Provide Feedback

Most networking apps offer the option to provide feedback on your experience. Take the time to share your thoughts, as it helps improve the app for future users. Additionally, providing feedback can enhance your reputation as an engaged and constructive community member.

12. Stay Active in the App Community

Even after the conference ends, many networking apps remain active as communities. Continue to engage with the app by participating in discussions, attending virtual events, and staying in touch with your connections. This sustained activity keeps you visible within the community and opens up new networking opportunities.


Networking apps are powerful tools that can transform your conference experience by facilitating meaningful connections and enhancing your overall engagement. By choosing the right app, completing your profile, exploring the attendee list, using matchmaking features, scheduling meetings, preparing for interactions, leveraging in-app communication tools, attending recommended sessions, participating in app-driven activities, following up, providing feedback, and staying active in the app community, you can maximize the benefits of conference networking. Embrace these strategies to build lasting professional relationships and achieve your networking goals effectively.

Posted in Default Category on July 03 2024 at 04:13 PM

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